
Hi, I’m Magda and I’m an sketchoholic (now say “Hiiiii Magda”) I’ve been addicted to sketching, drawing, illustrating and humor for 3 years, 2 months, 18 days, 6 hours and 15 min.

During my three years of college for anthropology, at home in France, I was first turned on to drawing.  From there it really got out of control. My constant need to draw, sketch, doodle, paint on my computer interfered with my studies so much that I barely got my degree. I was constantly looking for my next fix. I would do almost anything for a piece of paper and a pen. After College, I moved to the United States, the land of abundance and opportunity. That’s when things started to get really bad (TEAR).  That’s where I met the love of my life. This problem as effected him so much. Sometimes I would wait until he would fall asleep, then I would sneak out in the middle of the night, just to draw. And a few times I would wake up next to my computer and wonder “What happened last night?” (Sob).

Please I need your help, before I destroy my life, help me turn this monster into a positive career.

Thank you for all  of your support.





All works on this site belong exclusively to the author. Any reproduction, public distribution, commercial use is therefore prohibited without authorization from the copyright holder.




2 Responses to “About”

  1. lolalatoulousaine March 17, 2013 at 9:23 am #

    the monster will turn into a beaitufl creature, you have talent. keep doing what you do best!!

  2. psychomademoiselle April 6, 2013 at 2:59 am #

    Love your blog ! See you soon 🙂

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